Life With Cat: Quivering with Fear

My desk at home is in a closet off the side of our living room. We built a shelf over it for storage, which the cat loves. For months after we built it, she’d stare up at it and meow. It’s too high to jump to by herself, which is a source of unending frustration…

Watch this Now: Meru

The other weekend, we watched 4 movies, more-or-less in a row. We watched Room and Creed, both of which I liked – despite the fair amount of rape in Room, and that Creed caused us to revisit one of our biggest marital disagreements. (In a nutshell: how rigged is fighting? Me: “All of it”; Q: “You…

An Ode to Kevin Hart

Q and one of his friends have a ritual: they watch Walking Dead together. Because we’ve been busy these past couple of weeks, Q’s missed the ritual, so he sat down to watch the most recent two episodes with me. I hadn’t known what I was missing. Nothing. Me: “What is this? It looks like it…

Introducing… Our New Vacuum!

Something people don’t tell you about pets: if you love animals, and you love a clean house, you’ll learn to love your vacuum. Oddly, though we vacuum at least 3 times a week, the dog is still afraid. Go figure. Last month, our trusty Dirt Devil became unusable. That was the little vacuum that could;…

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