Would You Leave the Workforce?

Eons ago, we watched Ali Wong’s standup routine on Netflix, Baby Cobra. Without giving too much away, she had some funny parts (I thought) about wanting to leave the workforce. “Housewives” she said, “are geniuses.” I laughed, very hard. (Z not so much.) Around that time, I’d also had a conversation with a couple of…

Baby Crabs Scuttling in a Tidal Pool

We went for a walk last weekend, and saw hundreds of little crabs – some of them were likely babies or newly hatched, and some were likely hermit crabs. Here’s a video of a couple of the ones I saw, as a reminder: get out there and enjoy nature!  

Watch This Now: Tower

Tower is a largely animated documentary, telling about the 1966 mass shootings from the Tower at the University of Texas, Austin, considered the first mass campus murder in America. It’s less about school shootings in general, and almost not at all about the killer, and instead about the victims and events of the day, as…

Unobservant California Driver

Driving home from dinner last night, Z noticed a particularly erratic driver behind us, in a little Volkswagen Golf. Z: “Oh man, he has California plates. Not from around here.” On Sundays, the right lane of many busy streets in Vancouver becomes a parking lane – you can’t stop there during the week, but evenings…

Great Dog Beds for Older Dogs

Our pride and joy turned 7 this week. 7! Which is roughly 54, in dog years. This past year, he’s slowed down. While he still loves running and fetching, after a long walk in the woods chasing sticks, he needs time to recover, and his hips are stiff for at least a day after. We’re thinking…

When Yoga is Hard

As usual, I’ve had the general feeling that I’ve been “letting myself go” lately. I tend to feel this way every couple of weeks, depending on my schedule and what I’ve been focussing on. Taking care of yourself requires energy and regular attention, you know? There’s no “setting and forgetting” your personal grooming, alas. In…

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